Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Drinking all the kool-aid

Well, it's now official. I'm drinking every flavor of kool-aid my employer offers. I've never been one to wave the company flag or buy into all the usual corporate b.s. Not that anything is that different now. But, I recently got a little more visible responsibility for a particular project. Now I'd much rather operate behind the scenes as much as possible. However, that tactic usually just results in some asshole taking all the credit for your ideas. But in the last couple of years, I've managed to push a major idea to the point that it has recently become a widely accepted approach on multiple projects.

The company has a mentoring program that is quite limited in numbers. There is an application process and the powers-that-be choose the participants. So, a few weeks back, the annoucement for this coming year's program was made. I decided that this little mentoring gig might be just what the doctor ordered in helping to mitigate my slight badboy image around the office. Yeah, I know - very uncharacterisitc (the changing my rebel image part). So, I applied. Today, I found out I was one of the 44 chosen to participate. Of course, in typical fashion, I managed to once again co-opt the system, at least I think. I've already identified someone I'd like to have as the mentor. Luckily, he's participating and will be putting in the word that we want to work together. So, perhaps I'm not drinking ALL the kool-aid just yet.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm curious, is this the "bombshell" you were going to drop at some time???? -v

Jeff Seale said...

nope. not big enough...

Anonymous said...

Moving to Maine???? -v

Jeff Seale said...

oh how I wish...